7 research outputs found

    Corporate social responsibility and export performance under stakeholder view: The mediation of innovation and the moderation of the legal form

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    Prior confronting findings on the association between corporate social responsibility and profitability show that some aspects remain to be clarified about this binomial. Contributing to this body of research is particularly interesting in the case of the exporters to understand the role that corporate social responsibility may play in improving export performance. This study aims to determine the impact of firms' corporate social responsibility efforts on their export performance by examining innovation and the legal form of the organization as factors that could affect this relationship. Using data from 107 agri-food companies, we found that corporate social responsibility has no direct effect on export performance. However, our results show that innovation serves as a mediator in this relationship. It was also found that companies that adopt associative legal forms (i.e., cooperatives) benefit more from their social responsibility practices than companies that adopt non-associative legal forms.Junta de Andalucia PAIDI 2018 P18-RT-466

    The Relationship between Social Responsibility and Business Performance: An Analysis of the Agri-Food Sector of Southeast Spain

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    This study aims to contribute to the existing debate on the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) orientation on different measures of business performance through the proposal of a conceptual model. Drawing on stakeholder theory, we conceptualize CSR as a broad and multidimensional construct with seven dimensions: employees, partners, customers, farmers, environment, community, and competition. We also extend the concept of business performance, which includes tangible variables, namely financial performance (FP) and export performance (EXP), as well as intangible variables, namely image and reputation (IR) and the satisfaction of relevant stakeholders (SS). The research context of this study is the agri-food sector in southeastern Spain. This sector has been the focus of attention of numerous researchers due to the relevance that social and environmental aspects have had in its development. To test the proposed model, the partial least-squares technique (PLS-SEM) was applied to data collected by means of a survey from a sample of 107 companies, which represent 81.4% of the turnover of the sector analyzed. The results show that CSR has a positive effect on financial performance, improves the volume and performance of exports, positively affects the corporate image and reputation, and increases the level of satisfaction of relevant stakeholders. Further research should examine the model from the perceptions of other stakeholders (e.g., customers, employees, and suppliers), using a longitudinal research design and exploring other contexts

    Analysis of a model based on the precedents and consequences of social responsibility within the agri-food sector in Almeria

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    RESUMEN El propósito fundamental de este trabajo es contribuir al debate existente sobre el impacto que la orientación de las empresas hacia la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) tiene en diferentes medidas de desempeño. Para ello proponemos un modelo conceptual, con base en la teoría de los stakeholders, y conceptualizamos la RSE como una construcción amplia y multidimensional con siete dimensiones: empleados, socios, clientes, agricultores, medioambiente, comunidad y competencia. Adoptamos, asimismo, una concepción extendida del desempeño empresarial que incluye tanto a variables tangibles (desempeño financiero y desempeño exportador), como intangibles (imagen, reputación y satisfacción de los stakeholders). Se pretende, asimismo, analizar el impacto de la orientación a la RSE de estas empresas sobre su capacidad de innovación y en qué medida esta última favorece los diferentes tipos de desempeño antes señalados. Otro de los objetivos de este estudio es analizar en qué medida la orientación a la RSE puede verse, a su vez, favorecida por la capacidad de las empresas para adquirir, asimilar y aplicar nuevos conocimientos en materia de RSE, así como por la importancia que sus directivos otorgan a la ética y a la responsabilidad social. Como contexto de estudio se ha elegido el sector agroalimentario de la provincia de Almería, el cual ha sido centro de atención de numerosos investigadores por la relevancia que los aspectos sociales y medioambientales han tenido en su desarrollo. Para contrastar el modelo propuesto se aplicó la técnica de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-SEM) sobre datos recogidos a través de una encuesta realizada a los gerentes de una muestra de 107 empresas que representan el 81,4 % de la facturación del sector analizado. Los resultados muestran que la orientación de las empresas a la RSE se relaciona positiva y significativamente con su capacidad de innovación, su desempeño financiero, su imagen y reputación y la satisfacción de sus stakeholders. No queda confirmada, sin embargo, la existencia de una relación positiva y significativa de la orientación de las empresas a la RSE con su desempeño exportador. Los resultados nos indican, asimismo, que existe una relación positiva y significativa de la capacidad de innovación de las empresas con su desempeño financiero, su desempeño exportador y su imagen y reputación. Queda sin confirmar, sin embargo, la existencia de una relación positiva y significativa entre la capacidad de innovación de las empresas y el nivel de satisfacción de sus stakeholders. Por último, los resultados del presente trabajo muestran que la capacidad de absorción de conocimiento en materia de RSE por parte de las empresas se relaciona positiva y significativamente con su orientación a la RSE. Asimismo, la importancia que sus directivos otorgan a la ética y la responsabilidad social se relaciona, también, positiva y significativamente con la orientación de las empresas hacia prácticas social y medioambientalmente responsables. Investigaciones adicionales podrían examinar el modelo a partir de las percepciones de otros stakeholders (por ejemplo, clientes, empleados y proveedores), utilizando un diseño de investigación longitudinal y explorando otros contextos. ABSTRACT The fundamental purpose of this work is to contribute to the existing debate regarding the impact that the companies’ orientation towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has on different performance measures. For this, we propose a conceptual model, based on the stakeholders’ theory and we conceptualize the CSR as a wide and multidimensional construct made up of seven dimensions: employees, partners, customers, farmers, environment, community and competition. In addition, there is an extended conception of business performance including both tangible variables such as financial performance and exporting performance, and intangibles variables such as perception and reputation and stakeholders satisfaction. It is also intended to analyze the impact that these companies’ orientation towards CSR has on their innovative capacity and how does it favor the different types of performance mentioned above. Another aim of this work is to analyze the extent to which the orientation towards the CSR may be favored by the companies’ capacity to acquire, assimilate and employ new knowledge in terms of CSR, as well as by the importance that their managers give to ethics and social responsibility. The research context of this study is the agri-food sector in the province of Almería. This sector has been the focus of attention of numerous researchers due to the relevance that social and environmental aspects have had in its development. To test the proposed model, the partial least squares technique (PLS-SEM) was applied to data collected by means of a survey from a sample of 107 companies which represent 81.4% of the turnover of the sector analyzed. Results show that companies’ orientation towards CSR is positively and significantly related with their innovative capacity, their financial performance, their image and reputation and with the level of their stakeholders’ satisfaction. However, the existence of a positive and meaningful relationship between the companies’ orientation towards CSR and their exporting performance is not confirmed. Results also show that there is a positive and meaningful relationship between companies’ innovative capacity and their financial performance, their exporting performance and their image and reputation. Nevertheless, the existence of a positive and meaningful relationship between companies’ innovative capacity and the level of their stakeholders’ satisfaction, is not confirmed. Finally, the results of this research show that these companies’ capacity to absorb knowledge in terms of CSR is positively and significantly related with their orientation towards CSR. Also, the importance their managers give to ethics and social responsibility is positively and significantly related with companies’ orientation towards socially and environmentally responsible practices. Further research could study the model based on others stakeholders perceptions (e.g. customers, employees and providers), by using a longitudinal research design and exploring other contexts

    Corporate social responsibility and export performance under stakeholder view: The mediation of innovation and the moderation of the legal form

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    Prior confronting findings on the association between corporate social responsibility and profitability show that some aspects remain to be clarified about this binomial. Contributing to this body of research is particularly interesting in the case of the exporters to understand the role that corporate social responsibility may play in improving export performance. This study aims to determine the impact of firms' corporate social responsibility efforts on their export performance by examining innovation and the legal form of the organization as factors that could affect this relationship. Using data from 107 agri-food companies, we found that corporate social responsibility has no direct effect on export performance. However, our results show that innovation serves as a mediator in this relationship. It was also found that companies that adopt associative legal forms (i.e., cooperatives) benefit more from their social responsibility practices than companies that adopt non-associative legal forms

    The Relationship between Social Responsibility and Business Performance: An Analysis of the Agri-Food Sector of Southeast Spain

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    This study aims to contribute to the existing debate on the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) orientation on different measures of business performance through the proposal of a conceptual model. Drawing on stakeholder theory, we conceptualize CSR as a broad and multidimensional construct with seven dimensions: employees, partners, customers, farmers, environment, community, and competition. We also extend the concept of business performance, which includes tangible variables, namely financial performance (FP) and export performance (EXP), as well as intangible variables, namely image and reputation (IR) and the satisfaction of relevant stakeholders (SS). The research context of this study is the agri-food sector in southeastern Spain. This sector has been the focus of attention of numerous researchers due to the relevance that social and environmental aspects have had in its development. To test the proposed model, the partial least-squares technique (PLS-SEM) was applied to data collected by means of a survey from a sample of 107 companies, which represent 81.4% of the turnover of the sector analyzed. The results show that CSR has a positive effect on financial performance, improves the volume and performance of exports, positively affects the corporate image and reputation, and increases the level of satisfaction of relevant stakeholders. Further research should examine the model from the perceptions of other stakeholders (e.g., customers, employees, and suppliers), using a longitudinal research design and exploring other contexts

    Tratamientos Psicológicos Empíricamente Apoyados Para la Infancia y Adolescencia: : Estado de la Cuestión

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    Background: The empirical evidence accumulated on the effi cacy, effectiveness, and effi ciency of psychotherapeutic treatments in children and adolescents calls for an update. The main goal of this paper objective was to carry out a selective review of empirically supported psychological treatments for a variety of common psychological disorders and problems in childhood and adolescence. Method: A review was carried out of the psychological treatments for different psychological disorders and problems in socialemotional or behavioral adjustment in the child-adolescent population according to the Spanish National Health System (Clinical Practice Guidelines) levels of evidence and degrees of recommendation. Results: The fi ndings suggest that psychological treatments have empirical support for addressing a wide range of psychological problems in these developmental stages. The degree of empirical support ranges from low to high depending on the phenomenon analyzed. The review suggests unequal progress in the different fi elds of intervention. Conclusions: From this update, psychologists will be able to make informed decisions when implementing those empirically supported treatments to address the problems that occur in childhood and adolescence.Antecedentes: la evidencia empírica acumulada en los últimos años sobre la efi cacia, efectividad y efi ciencia de los tratamientos psicológicos en la infancia y adolescencia reclama una actualización. El principal objetivo de este artículo es el de llevar a cabo una revisión de los tratamientos psicológicos empíricamente apoyados para una diversidad de problemas psicológicos habituales en la infancia y la adolescencia. Método: se revisan los tratamientos psicológicos para diferentes trastornos psicológicos y problemas en el ajuste socioemocional o conductual en población infanto-juvenil en función de los niveles de evidencia y grados de recomendación del Sistema Nacional de Salud de España (Guías de Práctica Clínica). Resultados: los hallazgos sugieren que los tratamientos psicológicos específi camente dirigidos a niños, niñas y adolescentes disponen de apoyo empírico para el abordaje de un amplio elenco de problemas psicológicos. Este grado de apoyo empírico oscila de bajo a alto en función del problema analizado. La revisión muestra un avance desigual en los diferentes campos de intervención. Conclusiones: a partir de esta actualización, los profesionales de la psicología podrán tomar decisiones informadas a la hora de implementar aquellas intervenciones psicológicas con apoyo empírico para el abordaje de los problemas en la infancia y la adolescenci